CIEETRC's English Camp 北斗區英語營隊
On Saturday, October 29, 2022, foreign English teachers and 55 elementary students from Beidou Township and the surrounding area came together to participate in an English language camp organized by CIEETRC. The four groups of students met with each of the teachers for various activities that aimed to improve the students' English skills while experiencing cultural lessons through international education. Activities included an interactive PET game, listening to a Halloween story, filming a video in a recording studio, and demonstrating musical rhythm. Students received prizes, candy, a copy of their videos, and a day of fun just in time for Halloween. Amanda Kalinoski reporting for CIEETRC News.
2022年10月29日(星期六),外籍英語教師和來自北斗鎮及周邊地區的55名小學生齊聚一堂,參加由英資中心舉辦的英語營隊。四組學生與每位教師進行了提升學生英語能力的活動,以及國際教育體驗文化課程。活動包括互動PET遊戲、聆聽萬聖節故事、在攝影棚拍攝影片以及展示音樂節奏的遊戲。學生們獲得了獎品、糖果還有他們的影片,並享受了一個萬聖節前的日子。Amanda Kalinoski為英資中心的新聞報導。