Changhua's Foreign English Teachers
Welcome to our dedicated platform for hosting the collective efforts of our foreign English teachers in Changhua County. It serves as a testament to our commitment to promote English and bilingual education throughout our region.
Our foreign English teachers play a pivotal role in introducing innovative teaching methodologies and creating engaging learning materials. By sharing their expertise and resources here, we aim to foster a collaborative environment, ensuring that every student, regardless of their school, can benefit from these valuable materials.
Here, you'll find a diverse range of resources, from worksheets and quizzes to videos and articles, each tailored to enhance the English learning experience. These resources are not just tools for teaching; they are a reflection of our globalized approach to education, bridging the gap between different cultures and learning styles.
We invite educators, students, and parents alike to explore and utilize these resources. Together, we can elevate the standard of English education in Changhua County, paving the way for a brighter, bilingual future.
Axciel Sinadjan
文德國小 (Wunde)
Angel Mae
萬來國小 (Wanlai)
Anabelle Geronimo
南州國小 (Nanzhou)
Chlarise Raven Cruz
華南國小 (Huanan)
Dexter Espiritu
陝西國小 (Shanxi)
Ivy Grace Aborde
萬興國小 (Wanshing)
Jane Nelse Parago
永興國小 (Yongxing)
Carissa Wico
培英國小 (Peiying)
Odeza Hernandez
溪湖國小 (Sihu)
Rochelle Pangan Sansano
泰和國小 (Taihe)
Vannesa Joy Pajarito
大榮國小 (Darong)
Esmeralda Angela
和群國中 (Hechuin)
Cristine Joy Peria
中山國小 (Chungshan)
Lana Wong
永豐國小 (Yongfeng)
Daylin Cojeda Ayson
大村國中 (Dacun)